Ask any woman in Great Britain, perhaps even all over the world, and many will agree that when it comes to a hot, sexy physique, David Beckham is the man! Beyond the fact that he is a phenomenal athlete, he also has the appearance of a supermodel. Is it any wonder why women from all over melt at the sight of him? His entire physique is well sculpted, but he's most famous for his amazing midsection. Many men aspire to look just like this, and women go nuts for the ripped, cut look. Not a bulky bodybuilder look, just the right amount of muscle mass without much body fat.
So just how does one acquire such a lean abdomen?
What must the "average Joe" do to get as ripped as David Beckham is? Can you get the six pack abs you always wanted, without having to run the length of a soccer field consistently like David Beckham? The answer is YES! With some diligent effort and the right workout plan, you truly CAN have this look. Let's explore how!
Here's exactly what you will need to shed some unwanted fat and gain lean, sexy muscle, and be in better shape than ever. Obviously, if your reading this then it's apparent you'd like to obtain better looking abs than what you currently have. If you are not seeing six pack abs every time you look in the mirror now, there's two causes.
First, you may have excess body fat over your ab muscles.
Second, your ab muscles are not very defined.
Although people can fit into BOTH categories, the most common problem is the excess fat. Unfortunately, we live in a society of terribly overweight people, especially in North America. Walking down the street, or going to your local store, who do you see more of - the physically fit, or the obese? Sadly, it's the obese that make up the greater population. So if you're in this weight category, you're not alone. But it IS possible to become a part of that smaller group. If you're ready, YOU can have the sexy six pack abs of your favorite celebs.
Okay, here we go. Understand that there is NO gimmick or "quick fix."
If you want David Beckham's abs, you will need to shed fat to expose the abs. Here are the two key concepts you NEED to follow.
First, don't eat so much.
Second, get regular exercise.
The only reason it gets any more complicated than that is because WE MAKE IT more complicated. But let's explore these simple concepts a bit more in depth. Nutrition and fitness product manufacturers are a part of the over-complicating problem. They "push" the latest workout machine, weight-loss drug, or special diet, getting richer while you do NOT get any slimmer!
Isn't it kind of funny why scores of these weight-loss products exist? Think about it. Just last week one plan told you to do "this", while today's "special" weight-loss program is telling you to do "that!" If they were so "amazing," why would they have to be CONSTANTLY replaced? If they truly worked, wouldn't we see more people losing more weight from previous weight-loss editions? Simply stated, these "fad" diets, weight-loss pills, and all these catchy gimmicks DO NOT WORK! All they seem to do is make us feel (and even look) less attractive!
Enough with these crazy diets and ridiculous pills!
Start saving some cash by forgetting all about these weight-loss tricks, and get on track for some REAL progress! You CAN'T lose! If you're ready to put forth a little extra effort, and stick with it, then the only thing you'll lose is that EXCESS BODY FAT! Weight-loss pills and dieting gimmicks will disappoint you, but these TRUE principles will NOT! The bottom line is this - if you want that lean, sexy body, you're going to need to put forth some effort. If those weight-loss drugs really did what they claimed, EVERYBODY would have six pack abs! This is planet Earth, however, not some fantasy world.
Simply put, you MUST regularly lower your intake of calories.
In order to shed pounds, your body NEEDS to take in less calories per day than it burns off. Expelling more calories daily than what you consume daily is the key. What's the "secret?" You guessed it - LESS FOOD, MORE EXERCISE! While one or the other will help, following both is HIGHLY SUGGESTED! Perhaps if you "need" to pick only one, you should stop eating so much. Cutting unnecessary calories is the main objective here, so eating less will facilitate your weight-loss faster. Ever wonder why so many obese individuals can't seem to lose weight at the gym? And there are plenty of muscle-bound bodybuilders with excess body fat, too. Even with regular workout programs, these individuals fail to lose body fat. This is due to the fact that they are still consuming an over-abundance of calories.
Don't misunderstand. Exercise IS essential for optimal weight-loss. But if your packing in thousands of extra calories a day, you could work out for 4 hours every single day and it won't do you any good! What gain is there in doing 500 sit-ups daily if your still pigging out? You may have the greatest abs ever - but nobody can SEE them!
Intermittent fasting can help reduce your caloric intake.
Unfortunately, most diets are more of a short-term "fix." While you might hold out for a week or two, sooner or later hunger ALWAYS wins, and you're right back to overeating again.
Instead, here's a better method for food consumption. Unlike today's popular "hype" of taking in six to eight proportioned meals per day, let's check out a different strategy. No longer will you need to measure all your serving sizes, count calories, or make special food preparations to see consistent weight-loss.
Although some may question this method, intermittent fasting can be a VERY effective weight-loss tool. The big business of diet marketing is the major critic. And can we guess why? They cannot market this effective strategy in a pill to make a PROFIT! You'd better believe that if it were possible, they'd have found a way to have sold us billions of dollars worth!
Some skeptics warn that you can lose muscle mass when dieting.
A common belief among nutrition "experts" is that a drastic calorie shortage will starve your body so much that it will begin to break down (and essentially "live off") your muscle mass rather than the body's fat stores. This simply is a fallacy! Now there ARE extremes. If caloric intake is dramatically decreased for a significant time-frame, then obviously the muscles will atrophy. One look at the "Survivor" show confirms this. But this is mostly due to the TIME factor, not the lack of calories! Resistance training will not only stop this deterioration of muscle, it will burn fat.
Muscles atrophy more quickly from lack of USE more so than lack of nutrition. Therefore, cutting calories, coupled with resistance training, causes the body to burn more calories while actually BUILDING muscle mass. With fewer calories consumed, the body is then forced to burn stores of fat, leading to weight-loss. That's it? Actually, the concept really is that simple. But, as mentioned before, WE tend to over-complicate it, especially with regards to practical application. Also, lets keep in mind that the goal is NOT to become a nutrition specialist, just to learn the basics to obtain six pack abs like David Beckham.
What's the "mystery" behind six pack abs?
The big mystery is not such a big surprise. Simply stated, it's like this.
Eat fewer calories, and exercise with resistance training to burn body fat and maintain (and even gain) muscle. There, that's really not a very complicated concept, is it?
First, you can use intermittent fasting to lower your caloric intake, but basically use ANY means that works for YOU! Maybe you'll give intermittent fasting a try, though. It's not so bad, and you'll absolutely MARVEL at the RESULTS!
Second, incorporate a resistance training plan, with some interval cardio, into your workout regimen.
Which resistance training programs are best for the abdomen?
Try not to get too hung up on your midsection right now. Rather than center your attention on ab exercises, put your efforts into fat-burning cardio, which is an entire body workout. Remember that you have to LOSE FAT before you can see the ab muscles, no matter how big or strong they may be. Realistically, your abs get some "exercise" from your day-to-day living. So, in losing fat, you may be surprised to see your abs starting to stand out with little abdominal workout at all.
And you NEVER have to resort to harmful or illegal steroids to get the look you desire, even if you haven't exercised regularly before! Just stick with your complete body circuit exercises from the home or gym. A wide variety of circuit training for your entire body exists. On such programs, you can get in GREAT SHAPE right from the comfort of your own home!
Okay, you're eating less. You're performing regular resistance training. What's next? Interval cardio training is the next technique.
Are you unsure what interval cardio workout entails?
Start as you should with any exercise program - with five minutes of light warm-up. Then, alternate your pace. Run fast for one minute, walk for the next, and so on. That's interval cardio! You can do these on an elliptical, bike, or treadmill for approximately 15 to 20 minutes, then allow a 4 to 5 minute cool-down period. Dong this interval cardio on a treadmill following a resistance training programs can yield some EXCELLENT RESULTS!
Well, that's everything you need to know. Adhere to these simple principles, put forth a little effort, and you can have AMAZING abs like David Beckham. With patience and perseverance, these techniques will help you shed unwanted pounds of body fat, and maintain muscle definition, to display those six pack abs you've always dreamed of!
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